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 TOMONI Programme 日本語 Tohoku University Fund MENU ▶ HOME ▶ 応援メッセージ ▶ 学生Voice ▶ 同窓生Interview ▶ OB/OG Message ▶ ともプロ! --> Crowdfunding for "TOMONI Program" has ended as of Monday, January 31, 2022. Thank you very much for your support. The future progress of each project will be posted on this website. Please look forward to the future activities of the projects that you have supported! News 2021-12-17 News Tohoku University Fund Hosts Annual Donor Event 2021-12-15 News Crowdfunding Begins for Eight Selected "Tomopro" Student Projects 2021-09-30 News New Crowdfunding Programme for Students Now Accepting Proposals     Project List No.01 Post-Disaster Housing Reconstruction Using a Standardized Self-Construction Toolkit One United Recovery Organization The lack of space in overpopulated shelters can create serious discomfort. There is also a concern for hygiene and viruses. Therefore, we offer safe private spaces during and after emergencies for displaced households. This product aims to facilitate a smooth transition from temporary sheltering to permanent construction with guiding components for owner-driven housing reconstruction. We believe that this product will provide a substantial economic relief and help people recover their mental health in the process. For more information Donation Closed No.02 Toward digital agriculture with AI robots that incorporate space exploration technology Kisui TECH Kisui TECH is a project that seeks to use technology to create an inclusive brighter, greener future. We are creating AI robotic services that empower small-medium sized family farmers to manage larger farms with fewer people, enabling them to overcome the labor shortage and aging society through our machines that work without needing a human operator. This is with the goal of reducing inequalities between rural and urban areas and revitalizing the country sides. For more information Donation Closed No.03 Waste Segregation and Plastic Recycling Project in Limbe City, Cameroon. Numfor Solange Ayuni The project (waste segregation and plastic recycling) is aimed at introducing waste segregation by organizing a campaign to sensitize the population on waste segregation and provision (donation) of communal garbage bins for collecting various waste types, which allows for recycling of these wastes. The project is also aimed at recycling plastic wastes collected to paving tiles using an extruder machine to prevent emissions to the environment, and the tiles would be used for making pavements. For more information Donation Closed No.04 Earthquake Disaster Film Project  東北大学現代思想研究会映画プロジェクト Students of the humanities who are passionate about literature, film studies, philosophy, etc. will use the knowledge they have acquired to create a short film on the theme of the earthquake disaster. Through the production of these films, we will reconsider what has been hidden by the seemingly beautiful words such as "kizuna" (bonds) and "locality" that are flooded in the media, and use the finished films as a platform for discussion about the disaster. For more information Donation Closed No.05 Innovation Festival TIDE (Tohoku university Innovation,Design and Entrepreneurship club) In order to increase the momentum for student-initiated change within Tohoku University, we will share information about what extracurricular activities students around us are engaged in, and create opportunities to create value together. In addition, we will increase the total number of students who initiate and engage in extracurricular activities, and establish a culture of "creating something from nothing" at Tohoku University. For more information Donation Closed No.06 Bringing Music as moral support to Hospitals! -Music practiced by medical students and musicians きょうゆうプロジェクト Have you ever felt stressed by the uncertainty of the future or the unusual life you are forced to lead due to the Corona disaster? There are places where those feelings are a big problem. Those are hospitals. We take action because we want to practice music in society and support mental health. Together with you, we will confront this issue.   For more information Donation Closed No.07 Enthusiasm for Student Sports at Tohoku University 【PJT for the 100th Anniversary of the Student Friendship Association’s sports clubs】 学生団体Ryuz On the occasion of the 100th anniversary of the Tohoku University Student Friendship Association’s sports clubs, we will create commemorative goods and form a Sports Club Booster to create an opportunity to support the clubs as one. By doing so, we will blossom the potential of the sports clubs which have not had a sufficient impact on the people around them, and form a unique Tohoku University culture that will lead Japanese universities. For more information Donation Closed No.08 Revival of student theater through the Tohoku Student Theater Festival 東北学生演劇祭 We aim to revive the Tohoku Student Theater Festival, where student theater groups active in the Tohoku region come together to determine the No. 1 student theater in Tohoku, and to serve as a catalyst for reviving the student theater culture that was stalled by the Corona disaster.  For more information Donation Closed No.09 Support for the entire program   Tomopro! is a program for students to "create together and grow together" with their supporters. If you would like to support the entire effort to nurture future leaders, please select "Support for the entire program". (Donations will be used for all activities related to this program, including subsidies for each project from the Tohoku University Fund and activities to provide non-financial support.)  For more information Donate Now ! *The titles and abstracts of No. 4 to No. 9 were originally submitted by students in Japanese, and the secretariat translated them into English. Details *The call for projects has been closed. Applicants will be notified of the selection results in mid-November. Tohoku University is launching a new crowdfunding programme called Tomoni, which invites students to submit a plan to realise a dream, tackle a social problem or engage in positive activism to improve their community. Who can apply: (a)Individuals currently enrolled in full time undergraduate or graduate courses at Tohoku University. (b)Groups of students enrolled in full time undergraduate or graduate courses at Tohoku University. Support: Grants of up to 500,000 yen *depends on results of crowdfunding. Mentoring Projects should be original and challenging. Examples: ・solving social problems ・revitalizing extracurricular and volunteer activities ・creating new value for society ・improving your own skills and development as a future global leader To Apply:  Application Form ▷Here! Application period:  October 1 - 31, 2021 Timeline: Application Period(October)⇒Screening(November)⇒Result⇒Crowdfunding(December)⇒Projects star Screening process: Phase 1:Applications are checked to ensure that they comply with guidelines. Phase 2: Applications are reviewed by the judging committee. *Interviews may be conducted. ▷ Guideline[PDF] |▷ Flyer[PDF] Contact: Tohoku University Fund and Alumni Affairs Office General Affairs and Planning Department Tel: 022-217-5058 E-mail:kikin*grp.tohoku.ac.jp(replace "*"with "@".) TOPへ HOME|応援Message|学生Voice|同窓生Interview|OB/OGメッセージ|ともプロ! 東北大学基金事務局 〒980-8577 宮城県仙台市青葉区片平2丁目1-1 (東北大学総務企画部 基金・校友事業室内) E-mail:kikin※grp.tohoku.ac.jp (※を@にして下さい) Copyright © Tohoku University Fund All rights Reserved.

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